Moving from CoC to Neovim LSP

A few weeks ago I made the switch from using Conquery of Code (CoC) to using Neovim's native Language Server Protocol (LSP). This modernized my vim setup and delivered the kind of hinting, linting, and completion necessary to code efficiently.

Moving from CoC to Neovim LSP

Language Server Protocol (LSP) was developed to standardize the creation of plugins that handle language-specific tasks like parsing, hinting, doucmentation linking, and snippets for Visual Studio Code (VScode). Somewhere along the way, Microsoft opened the standard and it has since been implemented in Neovim. That means the same language servers used in VScode can be used with nvim!

This has been around for awhile, but I just recently took the plunge, building my nvim setup from the ground-up to take advantage of this and other features. Today, I’m going to cover some of the features I like and use, saving the actual installation and setup for another post. If you’d like to play along, my nvim setup is available in my dotfiles repo.
