Every time I’m on a new machine I install Gimp for editing images. This is fairly straightforward with a simple onliner: sudo apt-get install gimp
Gimp is amazing, it can do some much and does it well. But there are two plugins for Gimp that I simply can’t live without. They are the Layer Effects plugin and the Arrows plugin. Unfortunately, every time I set up a new system I have to look up where to get the plugins and figure out how to install them. I’m putting here to have it all in one place once and for all.
Installing Layer Effects
This plugin is as old as the hills and still just as useful as the day it was published. Installation is quite easy:
- download layerfx.2.8.py from the GIMP Plugin Registry. There are two other files there you won’t need
- Save the file in your Gimp plugins directory: ~/.gimp-2.8/plug-ins/
- Make the file executable: chmod +x layerfx.2.8.py
- Close and relaunch Gimp for this to take effect
- You will now have a new menu: Layer –> Layer Effects
Installing Arrows
If you want to point something out in an image, an arrow is a great way to do it. Although I’m not thrilled with the user-friendlyness of the Arrows plugin, it does the job if you mess with it enough and aren’t super picky.
- Download arrow.scm from the GIMP Plugin Registry.
- Save the file in your Gimp scripts directory: ~/.gimp-2.8/scripts
- Close and relaunch Gimp for this to take effect
- You will have a new entry “Arrow…” at the bottom of the Tools menu
That’s it, go forth and edit many images!